Become a Foster Parent

Prospective Foster Parent must meet these minimum criteria:
Must be at least 21 years of age
Must complete a 2 hour orientation in the local county office
Must successfully complete pre-service IMPACT Family Centered Practice training​
Must provide proof of current residence and financial stability
Must complete a medical exam, finger print checks, as well as undergo both child welfare and criminal records checks/screenings. If you or any other adult household members (over age 18) have not been a resident of Georgia for a minimum of 5 years, you must be screened in the Child Abuse and Neglect registry of each state of prior residence
Prospective foster parents will inquire about becoming foster or adoptive parents by contacting our office.
​Prospective foster parents will be invited to an information session.
​Prospective foster parents attend a group or individual Information Session and are provided information about the Child Welfare System, the various types of caregivers, safety screening requirements, and other general information about being a foster parent. Each prospective foster family will be given two documents (Prospective Caregiver Application and
Live Scan Application Form) to be filled out and returned enable to start the family Evaluation process.
During this final process, the family will have a minimum of 3 home visits to assist in writing the home evaluation. Upon completion of all required training, paperwork, screenings, home visits, and written home evaluation applicants will receive a letter from the county notifying them of the final approval.